Time to wake up, Stardate.... people should come to the game, and stay in the game, because the game is good and the Jagex Mods provide proper feedback and fixes where they are needed... not because people think the game is good because of a million Fb likes. The fact is, Jagex Mods rarely if ever respond to any criticism, there is little feeback from them, and their time tested strategy is to ignore people until they either give up, or quit.
Have you ever even played a minigame in Runescape, Stardate? Have you seen what Eoc has done to Ba and Sc? Do you even know what BA or SC stand for? Have you ever played GOP? Are you pleased with the lack of progress Jagex is making against bots? Would you be happy if there were 5+ bots afk'ing on the same spot in every game of GOP you played, making it impossible to play past the air altar?
Would you be happy if the company in charge of the game give the players no indication at all as to what progress, if any, is being made in making the needed fixes and/or updates so that the minigames I am referring to work the way they did before Eoc changed things, and before the bot infestation ruined GOP for those of us RS'ers who care about and love the minigame?
Because, as things stand, even if the FB 1m likes attract people into the game, they likely won't stay long once they learn how little Jagex cares about their game.
30-Nov-2012 03:32:44