
The Evolution of Combat

Quick find code: 294-295-1-63743286

Moose Juice

Moose Juice

Posts: 4,708 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Honestly I can not wait for this, combat has needed a rework for a very long time (although the luck based system is still quite fun).

Don't suppose you can do a skilling overhaul to make it more interactive though? This game is getting very 'Click and Wait'.
They say it's not the children it's the parent thats the problem
but if we teach the children how to parent that's the problem solved then!

28-May-2012 18:23:13



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
never posted in a forum before, but the quality of my gameplay experience is dropping rapidly due to a noticeable increase in the number of bots around lately. i dont know how they were eradicated last time but it would be really great if that could be done again. Thank you.

31-Jul-2012 19:35:51



Posts: 25 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Everything on Runescape is already highly time consuming and difficult, I mean, quest, training, gathering items you need, and combat is already complicated as it is why make it harder to play a game when you already have many things to work on, I mean we need atleast one thing that is simple that already requires an amount of skill to stay the same, at this rate lower lvl accounts will never catch up to the maxed out players.

25-Aug-2012 06:06:07



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why did jagex make this new combat system? Everyone i talk to said it was trash and i myself have played and dislike it. If jagex really wants to do something like this the can't push onto the whole runescape community, they need to set it to specific worlds or put up a poll. But jagex won't do the poll because they know that most of the runescape community will say no, and before i get a mean comment from someone saying this is needed or wanted go stand in the g.e and ask who wants this update to happen. Jagex wasted time making this new form of combat and what they should have done at least is worked on the original combat system made it more fluid or even just leave it alone.

27-Aug-2012 16:14:37

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23-Nov-2012 02:16:06

Apr Member 2016


Posts: 19 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Will anything be done about the shift of bots as bots have been moved from wildy now we are getting a huge build up of places like turoths . I just found 15 at w83 and im finding now I cant do blue dragons thats completely full of bots on every world and turoths now paying players cant go there because bots have taken over, soon there wont be anywhere left to play, might be time to go find another game to play, as this has become a game of bots

24-Nov-2012 01:02:13

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