I feel like hybridding is going to either be extremely different and harder to use, or it will be somewhat useless to hybrid in the first place.
Not that i hybrid, but still will be a gamechanging update!
I'm looking forward to it though!
Tbh, i do have my concerns of how poorly the game may play after this update. After the bot nuke, the game is very laggy with a terribly low frame rate. And the so called performance update was a fail for me and for a multitude of others.. Oh well, it will all shake out in the end with the result being a better game, or jagex losing thousands of customers.
I think this might improve the system because nonmembers is on luck and members you have to be a fast swicher or use potions which im not sure why is more efftive than the actual stat like getting 99 att to a bost to 99 att you would be better with the potion but i just hope i can still play runescape