Well it's been another week
Our citadel is coming along great. Thank you to everyone who has capped in the Citadel this week. We are at 83% to our Citadel upgrade.
Here are the winners for the raffle Feb 13- 19
1st prize of 5 million gp is..............Dunst0n
2nd prize of 3 million gp is.............Snuffy124
3rd prize of 2 million gp is...............lilDragonfly
Congratulations to all our winners this week
Remember once you cap in the Citadel, post to our recruitment thread on forums (QFC: 290-291-938-65953490) to be entered into the Resource Raffle
Good luck everyone and happy capping
P.S. If you see your name here and I haven't seen you in game please message me with in game name
P.S.S. If you were one of the winners last week and I some how missed seeing you in game please message me with in game name or message me in game
