goooood evening clannies! what a wonderful day of weather we are having here in this beautiful world! Hope you all are having a great week and keep up the good work clannies!
Hey everybody, hoping to host some Hardmode Barbarian Assault later, don't miss out on an opportunity to gain some great bonus xp!
Want to join a clan that hosts a variety of events? Royal Rascals might be just for you! We host events from PvM - PvP - Minigames, learners are welcome! Don't be shy pop your head in and say hello!
Apologies about how little I seem to be involved this week. There is a crap ton going on BTS! It’s also a busy work week! Not to mention the Clan itself! Good news: I’m making some progress on the discord stoof!
Citadel reset tomorrow. Idk what happened, but we managed to get 4x more resources this week than we have took over any other week in the last month! Awesome! Approx 84% of the way there to that T7 build being completed