HOOOORAAHH! The clan just received they're 1st AoD Wand Drop tonight! Gzzzz us and sorry for those who missed out, it was very nice
Lots of pvm going on throughout he days so feel free to join up! gl everyone
Wow we are so close to T7 Citadel now! Come join Royal Rascals and contribute to us hitting the top tier of citadel and reap the rewards that come with it!
Come join Royal Rascals for a non elitist PvM experience
Gooooooooooooood morning rascals! wow its only Wednesday! almost time for the weekend! i can't wait
Lots of pvming going on around the clan so be sure to spread the luck
Glad to see the luck is still spreading around if not in PvM but in clue news a clannie got barrows dye today! Pretty sure that means an AoD drop is inbound tonight ladies and gents!