-_ Royal Rascals _-
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Hey guys!
Hope everyone had a good weekend with many gainzzz!
Pretty sure we will be attempting Vorago again later today so come die with us
Also be sure to come join the defence ability masterclass at 18.00 game time
those interested in pvm/high lvl pvm will find it useful!
Francescarr |
14-Aug-2017 11:32:25
Dont forget to join in tonight with Speedy's Barb Assault event!
And cit reset is tomorrow!
Welcome to all our new clannies! (like 10 in an hour sheesh where ya all coming from?!
Thanks to everyone whos been showing up eager for the events this week
have been fairly successful and loads of fun.
Start stocking up on supplies for DXP people! Lets git them gainzzzzz
Francescarr |
17-Aug-2017 11:17:50
Francescarr |
19-Aug-2017 18:33:48
Thanks everyone who came to this weekends Dungeoneering and Fishing Trawler events!
It was fun
Welcome to all our new clannies <3 great to have ya'll!
Francescarr |
20-Aug-2017 18:54:06
Happy Monday Clannies!
Welcome back Nol and Doc! So happy to have you both back off your respective vacations and irl commitments!
Francescarr |
21-Aug-2017 13:13:37
b u m p
Francescarr |
22-Aug-2017 07:32:54
22-Aug-2017 16:26:44
Thanks everyone who came to the barb assault event last night! (we WILL get that King down
Feel free to pop in and join us today! and dont forget weekly reset! Make the most of the xps availableee <3
Francescarr |
23-Aug-2017 08:32:37
23-Aug-2017 18:21:52
Francescarr |
24-Aug-2017 14:08:41
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