Which country gives the UK a Christmas tree every year?
The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree has been an annual gift to the people of Britain by the city of Oslo each year since 1947 as a token of gratitude for British support of Norway during the Second World War.
Where do kiwi fruit come from?
The kiwifruit or Chinese gooseberry, is the edible berry of a woody vine in the genus Actinidia. The shorthand kiwi is also in use, but is often avoided, especially in New Zealand, because of confusion with the bird or the informal name for New Zealanders.
Who defended John Scopes?
Though he couldn't remember actually teaching Darwin's theory, Scopes believed in evolution and agreed to the plan. The trial quickly became a media circus. John Scopes was to have Clarence Darrow, America's top criminal lawyer, defend him.
Why is the marathon 26 miles and 385 yards?
The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometres (26 miles and 385 yards), usually run as a road race. The event was instituted in commemoration of the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon to Athens.
How many people are in the world right now?
According to the most recent United Nations estimates, the human population of the world is expected to reach 8 billion people in the spring of 2024. 7 Billion (2011) According to the United Nations, world population reached 7 Billion on October 31, 2011.
When did the Nintendo 64 come out?
The console was first released in Japan on June 23, 1996. The North American version of the Nintendo 64 officially launched on September 29, 1996. It launched with just two games in the United States, Pilotwings 64 and Super Mario 64.
What ship did Charles Darwin sail on?
Something interesting to keep in mind is that the H.M.S. Beagle that Darwin sailed on was not the first ship to bear that name (a list of all "Beagles" is provided below). The British Royal Navy assigns names to ships on a circulating basis.