• 6+ Years in the making!
• All levels clan with no level requirements whatsoever since 2007.
• International community of friends spanning the globe, with wide range of levels and interests.
• Started off as a famous public friends chat "Holy Invoker" for F2P Clan Wars in World 17 during late 2007, continued the streak in World 141 during 2008, and in World 50 during 2011-2013.
• Participated in various fansite war rankings including Tip.it's TWR, RuneHQ's Top Warring Clans Listings throughout 2008-2011, and one of RSC's clan rank listings during 2010-2011.
• Held #1 rank on F2P RCW hiscores during the initial months of release, mid 2011, when it was attracting all sorts of clans and was free of boosters or point farmers.
• Held one of the top 10 ranks in F2P RCW hiscores, remaining undefeated while challenging and defeating all sorts of clans for 1.7 years until late 2012.
• Winners of Community Combat Sub-division at Jagex Cup 2010.
• Winners of Community Combat Sub-division at Jagex Cup 2011.
• Winners of Under 90 Combat Sub-division at Jagex Cup 2011.
• Winners of Community Combat Sub-division at Jagex Cup 2013.
• Winners of 20 vs 20 Combat Sub-division at Jagex Cup 2013.
• Maintained Holy Invoker FC as the most dominant Bandosian PvP FC during World Event 2 in early 2014.
• Tier 6 Citadel with two Clan Avatars.
• Still going strong!