That aside, I am excited for the prospect of older quest series receiving updates, hopefully at a greater pace, henceforth! Or perhaps there will be more to the Elder Gods storyline after all this Dungeon stuff, which would be interesting!
I do wonder what the skilling location reward will be like. The line about ten hours of content makes me wonder if they mean it is limited like The Empty Throne Room, which is a mechanic I didn't like. Even if it is, however, a new skilling location is sweet!
Mike 1
The quest was a bit annoying. Puzzles and so much talking with NPCs, ahhh!!! Just give me my comp back
I wish there had been no dialogue myself! Although it was because I just wanted this horrible quest to be over and for fewer things to be ruined by it.
I do greatly appreciate the hard work all the people involved put into "Extinction!" However, the quality of writing was frankly comparable to "Salt in the Wound."