Runescape name: harlequin209 (Will have known me by my other name before change, 'Ice Tritonan')
Name you would like to be called: Harley
How long have you been playing RS: Since 17 Years? give or take
Total level: 2362
Why do you want to join this clan: Was previously a member around 2020 for about a year or so? I took a year out for personal reasons and I think I may have been removed due to inactivity? Ok if so
Made the rank of captain. Previous application will probs be in the 1.0 thread.
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): Previous member - came back
What timezone are you: UK
What does LGBT+ mean to you personally? EQUALITY!!! - A free and defended movement to oppress the infallible and totalitarian suppressive ways of the world. Every day we fight for the cause to stay as one! PEACE X