Runescape name: Solescian
Name you would like to be called: Soles (So-LEES)
How long have you been playing RS: Since 07
Total level: On this account, 620 and rising. If the clan is a good fit, I might request an invite on my main though. I'm planning to probably get membership on that one again when this one runs out in a month. My total on my main is 2173
Why do you want to join this clan: I'm looking for a place to chat with people that feels safe and progressive. A lot of Runescape's player-base is just really conservative and hard to talk to without feeling like I need to censor myself
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): Runescape clan forum
What timezone are you: EST
What does LGBT+ mean to you personally?: I feel like LGBT+ is the more palatable version of saying the Queer community. It's a place for everyone who doesn't fit into the norm with their sexuality and/or gender - where we can just be ourselves and not have to worry about people shoving us into boxes
18-Nov-2021 01:55:00