Runescape name: Psyquinn
Name you would like to be called: Lyn
How long have you been playing RS: On and off more or less 10 years.
Total level: 763 (I'm primarily an OSRS player, my rs3 account was an alt from back then)
Why do you want to join this clan: I want to meet new amazing people as I traverse this RS3 world which I know absolutely nothing about and have fun with them in the process. (:
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): I honestly just googled lgbt clan l0l
What timezone are you: AST
What does LGBT+ mean to you personally? Hmm, this is a tough question. I know not everyone have the same views in the world, but the LGBT+ community are always loving and accepting of a lot of things people may view as taboo or 'different' I suppose? (I interpreted this question multiple ways, but I'll just answer this way)
12-Jul-2021 15:54:02