Display Name?: Venality
Combat & Total Levels?: Level 3, brand new account playing ironman to relearn the game
What is your timezone?: GMT
Are you interested in leadership opportunities?: no, but dont mind helping out were i can
Have you read pages 1 and 2, and will you follow our rules?: yes
Why do you want to join Astral Turtles?: Looking for a clan to play with, learn with, and help out later on when i can
What are your expectations of this clan?: Fun, people to speak to
How did you hear about our clan?: Forum post
How do you plan on being a positive force in this clan?: alot of talking, alot of questions lol, and friendly attitude
Tell us a bit about yourself if you'd like: 31 , from england played RS on and off since classic
What is your Discord username? Aidan#7647
31-Oct-2020 00:03:55