Useful Items:
1. Neem oil – Used to debuff Polypore creatures for a limited amount of time. Obtained from spawns in the Polypore Dungeon or by killing Polypore creatures.
2. Gem Bag – Can store 100 gems of any type (barring Onyx and Dragonstone). Can be bought for 2,000 Dungeoneering Tokens.
3. Gem Bag Upgrade – Can store up to 60 of each gem (barring Onyx). Can be bought for 20,000 Dungeoneering Tokens.
4. Bonecrusher – Crushes all bone drops for twice the burying XP. Can be bought for 34,000 Dungeoneering Tokens.
5. Twisted Bird Skull/Spirit Dragontooth/Demonhorn Necklace – Restores the players Prayer points by varying amounts based on how much Prayer XP they gain. Can be bought for 34,000 Dungeoneering Tokens. Can be used in tandem with the Boncrusher to give a player pseudo-unlimited prayer points.
6. Charming Imp – Collects charm drops automatically or can crush certain charm drops for a marginal amount of Summoning XP. Can be bought for 100,000 Dungeoneering Tokens.
7. Herbicide – Crushes herb drops (can be selected by the player) and gives them twice its cleaning XP. Can be bought for 34,000 Dungeoneering Tokens.
8. Seedicide – Crushes seed drops (can be selected by the player) and gives them twice its planting XP. Can be bought for 2,000 Renown from Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza.
9. Slayer VIP ticket – Allows a player a choice of two possible creatures to be assigned when they seek a new task; the ticket is consumed if the second choice is accepted. Can be bought for 30 Renown from Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza or as a random drop from Morvran’s Rush of Blood challenge.
10. Ectoplasmator – Gives a marginal amount of Prayer XP per shade or ghost that is killed. NOTE: The non-upgraded version does not work with the necklaces listed in #6. Can be obtained as a rare drop from any ghost/shade.
Continued in next post…
I could brag about my achievements down here, I just choose not to
07-Feb-2016 11:08:25
- Last edited on
07-Feb-2016 11:46:05