*Current Username: Seaters
*Previous Username: N/A
*Combat Level: 136
*Total Skill Level: 2582 and counting
*Total XP:447m
F2p or P2p: P2p
*What was your last clan and why did you leave? (Be honest please, PM is also an option for this): I can't remember the name but I left when I quit RS ~2 years ago.
*How you found us: The forums, actually.
What your timezone/area is: PSt / GMT -8:00
*You've read about what we can offer you, so what can you offer us?: A relaxed member looking to cap and socialize while I scape. I love helping people with things they don't know how to do!
Favourite sport: American football. I am obsessed with it.
*What kind of Runescape player are you? (options include Regular/Hardcore Ironman/Ironwoman, PvMer, Skiller, Level 3 Skiller, Casual, Quester, OSAAT, Pure): Looking to go into PvM but I am casually trying to max at the moment.
How much do you play Runescape: 10-20 a week.
Favourite things to do (online or in real life): Make music.
*Is there anything about this clan that you don't agree with?
___-If so, what is it? Nope.
How this clan appeals to you: I've sat in on a lot of social clans since coming back and this is the only one that has made me feel welcome or seemed active and interesting.
Is there another name you would prefer to be called? Seaters / Andrew is fine.
*Current Username: Seaters
*Previous Username: N/A
*Combat Level: 136
*Total Skill Level: 2582 and counting
*Total XP:447m
F2p or P2p: P2p
*What was your last clan and why did you leave? (Be honest please, PM is also an option for this): I can't remember the name but I left when I quit RS ~2 years ago.
*How you found us: The forums, actually.
What your timezone/area is: PSt / GMT -8:00
*You've read about what we can offer you, so what can you offer us?: A relaxed member looking to cap and socialize while I scape. I love helping people with things they don't know how to do!
Favourite sport: American football. I am obsessed with it.
*What kind of Runescape player are you? (options include Regular/Hardcore Ironman/Ironwoman, PvMer, Skiller, Level 3 Skiller, Casual, Quester, OSAAT, Pure): Looking to go into PvM but I am casually trying to max at the moment.
How much do you play Runescape: 10-20 a week.
Favourite things to do (online or in real life): Make music.
*Is there anything about this clan that you don't agree with?
___-If so, what is it? Nope.
How this clan appeals to you: I've sat in on a lot of social clans since coming back and this is the only one that has made me feel welcome or seemed active and interesting.
Is there another name you would prefer to be called? Seaters / Andrew is fine.
Hi seaters!
I am pleased to
your application to the Frooby Family! I would love to listen to music that you make ^^ would be interesting to me.
Welcome again to the frooby Family!
Time to follow an trail of Treasure.
My Goals
Lions Goals