Myths Legend
*Current Username:- Myths Legend
*Previous Username: I honestly can't remember, it's been a few years
*Combat Level: 138
*Total Skill Level: 2736
*Total XP: 1,342,000,000
F2p or P2p: p2p
*What was your last clan and why did you leave?: TMRD, clan started to die down as far as members(can pm reasons if needed)
*How you found us: good ol forum lurking
What your timezone/area is: est
*You've read about what we can offer you, so what can you offer us?: i consider myself to be fairly intuitive in a good majority of the rs culture/methods so to speak, i never use "guides" by runehq or wiki for skill training, i test and try my own methods and find some to be better for people that like to afk(like me) while skilling
Favourite sport: used to be football till my team made a bad choice in my opinion
*What kind of Runescape player are you? somewhere in the middle of casual and regular
How much do you play Runescape: daily, but with my current work schedule i only play 3-4 hrs a day mostly overnight(est), every 2 weeks i do however get 6 days off that i play
Favourite things to do (online or in real life): honestly? tickling my daughter til she giggles like a mad child
*Is there anything about this clan that you don't agree with? nothing that i can think of
How this clan appeals to you: heard some good things and it just seems like a very personable(if that makes any sort of sense) group of people
Is there another name you would prefer to be called? as long as you dont call me late to dinner it's fine
Welcome, what a surprise when I saw your app. <3
-.¸.-I love walking in the rain, no one can see you crying-.¸.-