What gear to bring:
- Any combat style will be fine but a Noxious Scythe or Dragonrider Lance is very useful for Twins mechanics and melee is fast at Vindicta.
- We want to kill these bosses quick so please bring preferably tier 85+ weaponry if you have it or at least tier 75.
- When it comes to armour bring at least tier 70+ armour. You won't really need armour above tier 80 though.
What inventory to bring:
- Bring best damage boosting potions you can use to last the trip.
- Antifire doesn't reduce any damage at Vindicta and Weapon poison doesn't affect Vindicta.
- Weapon poison does effect Twin furies, feel free to bring some!
- Vampyrism aura, Blood necklaces and Vampyrism scrimshaw (if meleeing) really helps for beginners!
- If you have low stats and gear please bring lots of food and means of escaping death. Sharks / Ring of Life, etc.
- Have prayer potions as you will want to make use of Soul Split if you can or Protection Prayers at the least.
- A fast/1 click teleport out incase you need to leave.
- Bring a damaging familiar if you are confident you won't need a beast of burden with additional food.
Hope to see some of you Froobs at both of these!