Current Username:Kriegsand
Previous Username: sorensand
Combat Level: 124
Total Skill Level: 2015
Total XP: 64.873.407
F2p or P2p: P2p
What was your last clan and why did you leave? (Be honest please, PM is also an option for this): just some random dude who needed people to create a clan.
How you found us: Just roamed the forums for a while.
What your timezone/area is: CEST / Northern Europe
You've read about what we can offer you, so what can you offer us? a nice cup of tea( XD) and/or maybe a good friend?
Favourite sport: In terms of E-sport I prefer csgo. but in the more traditional sports i enjoy watching soccer and playing basketball.
What kind of Runescape player are you? (options include Regular/Hardcore Ironman/Ironwoman, PvMer, Skiller, Level 3 Skiller,
, Quester, OSAAT, Pure)
How much do you play Runescape: about 1-2 hours a day on school/work days.
Favourite things to do (online or in real life): Online i really enjoy doing slayer and listening to music.Offline I enjoy playing the piano and running.
Is there anything about this clan that you don't agree with?
___-If so, what is it? not something that comes to mind, but I'll be sure to let you know if anything comes to mind.
How this clan appeals to you: The effort that you've put into this forum post, and what that implies. also your mature nature.
Is there another name you would prefer to be called? no, Kriegsand is fine. : ^)