Runescape Name:Braizos
Preferred Name:Cal
P2P or F2P: P2P
Total level:2097
What do you enjoy doing most in game?:Slayer, Clue scrolls
What is your current goal in Runescape?:99 in a non combat skill as I don't have one yet
Are you familiar with clan citadels, and would you like to help?:yeah I am and I would help
How did you find us? (referral, forums, vex, divine intervention):forums
Do you agree to our rules?:sure why not eh
What rule is most important to you, and why?:6, because I basically have no mates who play anymore so need communication
Any additional comments about yourself?:yeah, I haven't played for 5/6 years till last week so really don't know whats going on to be honest hahah
27-Apr-2018 13:32:05
- Last edited on
27-Apr-2018 13:32:26