Runescape Name: Sadako
Preferred Name: Bel
Timezone: GST +10
P2P or F2P: p2p
Total level: 2725
What do you enjoy doing most in game?: Skilling with friends
What is your current goal in Runescape?: comp and 120 div
Are you familiar with clan citadels, and would you like to help?: yes im familiar but i dont know enough to help, but i can try
How did you find us? (referral, forums, vex, divine intervention): forum search
Do you agree to our rules?: yes
What rule is most important to you, and why?: the rule about respecting everyone, because thats how it should be on rs so everyone gets along
Any additional comments about yourself?: n/a
Runescape Name:Ch r i s
Preferred Name:Chris
P2P or F2P
Total level:2691
What do you enjoy doing most in game?:Skilling with friends and clannies.
What is your current goal in Runescape?:Currently working on maxing.
Are you familiar with clan citadels, and would you like to help?: I am familar, yes I'd like to help.
How did you find us? (referral, forums, vex, divine intervention): Through a friend.
Do you agree to our rules?: Yes I agree
What rule is most important to you, and why?: Behavior, had many experience where these problems have ruined a good clan.
Any additional comments about yourself?: Vet to the mmo scene, played rs for many years, experience in being/operating clans/guides in other games as well.