RS Name: Mini Yuzu
Name you prefer to be called: Yuzu
What timezone do you live in? GMT -6
Total Lvl/Goals: 1961, No current goals
Why do you want to join SkyGuardians? Runescape is an mmo, should be enjoyed with others
Have you been in any other clans recently? If yes, which clans?
Why did you start playing RuneScape? Someone close loved the game, so here I am
What are 3 words that you think accurately describes you? Hardworking, Observant, Perceptive
What is your favorite thing to do in RuneScape? Still trying to figure that out,
What is your favorite color? Grey, White, Purple, Orange are kinda all tied
Do you have any special talents? I can usually learn anything that interest me.
What doesn’t have a kill switch? Awesome (not sure if I was supposed to put that or think of something myself)
Referred by: No one
04-Jun-2020 04:59:42
- Last edited on
04-Jun-2020 07:17:25
Mini Yuzu