RS Name:
What timezone do you live in?
Total Lvl/Goals:
2336, just want to relax and have fun
Why do you want to join SkyGuardians?
Purty ascii art on the forum post
Why did you start playing RuneScape?
I barely remember what I did last week, let alone what got into me close to 20 years ago o.O
What are 3 words that you think accurately describes you?
I like pie
What is your favorite thing to do in RuneScape?
Chilling and skilling
What is your favorite color?
Do you have any special talents?
Answering questionnaires
What doesn’t have a kill switch?
Awesome, or so I have been told
Referred by:
Googled clans, found a list on Reddit
27-Apr-2023 11:42:53