
The Imperial Legion

Quick find code: 290-291-238-66045583

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
[b][centre][lightcoral]The Imperial Legion[/lightcoral] - Invite[/centre][/b]

[centre]Clan Chat: [royalblue]The Imperial Legion[/royalblue] | Main Timezones: [royalblue]EST, GMT, CET [/royalblue]
Founded: [royalblue]15th November 2008[/royalblue] | Home World: [royalblue]64[/royalblue]
Citadel Tier: [royalblue]7 [/royalblue][/centre]

Hi *their name*,

I am posting here in the hope you will consider our community.

We believe that successful clans are comprised of strong, active relationships, where everyone is treated fairly, and is given the chance to help determine the clan's future.

Our community achieves this through the use of our ranking system, with members being rewarded for loyalty and active participation. None of the clans events or activities are mandatory, with events being determined and encouraged by the community itself.

[royalblue]Summary of what we offer:[/royalblue]
[royalblue]¦»[/royalblue] An active, relaxed long-standing community
[royalblue]¦»[/royalblue] Fair ranking system
[royalblue]¦»[/royalblue] Tier 7 Citadel with clan avatars
[royalblue]¦»[/royalblue] Weekly PVM drop and skilling challenges

We do have one requirement to join the clan however; which is:
> Be a paying member of Runescape

Our clan has thrived over the past 9 years, and we welcome any new members to help shape our clans future. Please take the time to guest in our clan chat ([lightcoral]The Imperial Legion[/lightcoral]) so you can get a feel for our community. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to message me in-game or leave a message on [i][qfc id=290-291-388-65879811]our thread[/qfc][/i].

The Imperial Legion
[qfc id=290-291-388-65879811]290-291-388-65879811[/qfc]
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:20:03 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2018 02:09:03 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Copy and Paste the above text into a reply to get the below invite, make sure to edit in their name !

The Imperial Legion
- Invite

Clan Chat:
The Imperial Legion
| Main Timezones:

15th November 2008
| Home World:

Citadel Tier:

Hi *their name*,

I am posting here in the hope you will consider our community.

We believe that successful clans are comprised of strong, active relationships, where everyone is treated fairly, and is given the chance to help determine the clan's future.

Our community achieves this through the use of our ranking system, with members being rewarded for loyalty and active participation. None of the clans events or activities are mandatory, with events being determined and encouraged by the community itself.

Summary of what we offer:

An active, relaxed long-standing community
Fair ranking system
Tier 7 Citadel with clan avatars
Weekly PVM drop and skilling challenges

We do have one requirement to join the clan however; which is:
> Be a paying member of Runescape

Our clan has thrived over the past 7 years, and we welcome any new members to help shape our clans future. Please take the time to guest in our clan chat (
The Imperial Legion
) so you can get a feel for our community. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to message me in-game or leave a message on our thread .

The Imperial Legion
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:20:36 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2018 02:09:51 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Imperial Legion
- Item Hunting

Item hunting is a clan initiative, whereby set items are selected for clan members to hunt for. Members who are able to obtain one of the items set can claim denarii, by first getting the item confirmed by another member
and then by posting on the designated clan thread, stating the item they obtained, and then who confirmed them.

Only one item may be claimed for denarii per week.

One of each Difficulty the following sets of items will be selected each week for members to aim to get:


Commander Zilyana
- Saradomin Hilt
- Saradomin's Murmur
- Saradomin's Hiss
- Saradomin's Whisper
- Saradominist Soulstone
- Saradomin Sword
- Auburn Lock
- Armadyl crossbow
- Armadyl offhand-crossbow

General Graardor
- Bandos Hilt
- Bandos Helmet
- Bandos Chestplate
- Bandos Tassets
- Bandos Gloves
- Bandos Boots
- Bandos Warshield
- Decaying tooth

- Armadyl Hilt
- Armadyl Helmet
- Armadyl Chestplate
- Armadyl Chainskirt
- Armadyl Gloves
- Armadyl Boots
- Armadyl Buckler
- Giant feather

K'ril Tstaroth
- Zamorak Hilt
- Hood of Subjugation
- Garb of Subjugation
- Gown of Subjugation
- Gloves of Subjugation
- Boots of Subjugation
- Ward of subjugation
- Zamorak Spear
- Severed hoof
- Steam Battlestaff

Corporeal Beast
-Spectral sigil
-Arcane sigil
-Elysian sigil
-Divine sigil
-holy elixir
-Corporeal bone

Rex Matriarchs
-Savage spear tip
-Savage spear shaft
-Savage spear cap
-Savage plume
-Heart of the archer
-Heart of seer
-Hear of the warrior
-Heart of the berserker


Kalphite King
- Drygore longsword
- Drygore mace
- Drygore rapier
- Off-hand drygore longsword
- Off-hand drygore mace
- Off-hand drygore rapier
- Perfect Chitin
- Kalphite Claw
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:21:09 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2021 22:06:19 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Imperial Legion
- Item Hunting Continued

- Laceration boots
- Fleeting boots
- Blast diffusion boots
- Shadow spike
- Greater ricochet ability codex
- Greater chain ability codex
- Diver ability codex

- Any Torva Armor Piece
- Any Pernix Armor Piece
- Any Virtus Armor/Weapon Piece
- Zaryte Bow
- Blood Soaked Feather
- Ancient Emblem

Avary*s & Nymora
- Zamorakian crest
- Blade of Avary**
- Blade of Nymora
- Dormant Anima Core helm
- Dormant Anima Core body
- Dormant Anima Core legs
- Zamorakian essence
- Nymora's Braid
- Avaryss' Braid

- Sliskean crest
- Shadow glaive
- Off-hand shadow glaive
- Dormant Anima Core helm
- Dormant Anima Core body
- Dormant Anima Core legs
- Sliske Essence
- Faceless mask

- Serenic crest
- Wand of the Cywir elders
- Orb of the cywir elders
- Dormant Anima Core helm
- Dormant Anima Core body
- Dormant Anima Core legs
- Senenic Essence
- Twisted Antler

- Zarosian crest
- Dragon Rider lance
- Dormant Anima Core helm
- Dormant Anima Core body
- Dormant Anima Core legs
- Zarosian essence
- Imbued Blade slice
- Glimmering scale


-siesmic wand
-siesmic singularity
-ancient summoning stone
-ancient artifact

-Araxyte egg
-Spider leg top
-Spider leg bottom
-Spider leg middle
-Araxxi's fang
-Araxxi's eye
-Araxxi's web
-Araxyte pheromone

Rise of the Six & Dragons & Elite Dungeons
- Malevolent kiteshield
- Merciless kiteshield
- Vengeful kiteshield
- Draconic Visage
- King black dragon scale
- Mutated Flurry Ability Codex
- Mutated Fury Ability Codex
- Mutated Barge Ability Codex
- Masuta's warspear
- Fishy treat
- Kuroryu

Confirmed either through adventurers log, on the in-game newsfeed announcement or during an event (all may claim for the item drop during an event, regardless of which member got the drop).
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:21:42 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2021 22:13:12 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Imperial Legion
- Basic Security Tips

Aside from the basic provisions provided by Jagex, such as the Runescape Authenticator , there are other things you can do to help ensure your account is secure. It is likely most of you will know and do the below suggestions, but due to occasional scams/ account breaches happening to members I did want to post a brief list of suggestions.

Keeping a secure computer:
- Try to make sure that the computer your play on is secure, by using anti-malware and anti-virus software .

Being careful with links:
- Be careful with what you download and click, especially on emails and on websites. This is especially true for Runescape related sites or emails, as those will be targeted to obtain your Runescape account information.

Regarding Jagex Emails, make sure that:
1) The email is from the person they are claiming to be, checking and double checking the email address, for example Jagex will only send emails for Runescape related information via [email protected] or [email protected].
2) The email isn't generic, for example it states your display name.
3) The email isn't something that is too good to be true, for example offering you free gifts or moderator status, any gifts or moderator status will be offered via the in-game message centre.
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:22:24 - Last edited on 12-Feb-2017 03:54:20 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Imperial Legion
- Basic Tips Scams

- Make sure to be cautious when following directions to websites, especially for popular scams that direct you to a youtube video claiming a give-away with instructions in the description. These usually lead to a fake website made to look like the official Runescape website, to trick you to type in your login information.
- Make sure to double check when someone asks to borrow something that they are who they say they are, your friend may be hacked and if they claim to be on an alternative /noob account, ask them to log onto their main first to check.

Be careful with your pass:
- Try not to use the same pass for websites. This is especially true for fan-sites, which although may be trustworthy, they may have poor security protecting your account information.

What to do if your account has been hijacked:
Step 1) Post your account name in the account help to get it locked, this will prevent the hijacker from using your account any further than they already have done.
Step 2) Scan your computer with an anti-virus software.
Step 3) Recover your account, change your pass, bank pin and recovery questions. Possibly also change your registered email in case that has been breached.

Generally just be sceptical and keep an eye out for deals that are too good to be true.
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:22:49 - Last edited on 12-Feb-2017 03:55:08 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Imperial Legion
- Official Clan Bump

¸,›The Imperial Legion

Copy and Paste version:

[indianred]›•ˆ”*•›¸[/indianred] ¸,›The Imperial Legion
”•›,,¸¸. [indianred]”•›,,¸¸Bump[/indianred]

Old clan header:
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:23:01 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2017 07:58:52 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
¸,›The Imperial Legion

”•›,,¸¸Hall Of Fame

In the many years our clan had been running, we had our golden ages and our dark ones, but no matter how far the darkness spread, these members stood loyal and always searched for the light to bring it back to everyone. These are members who's names we will always remember in our hearts, and never seize to see them in the good light that they brought.

¸,›Hall Of Fame

”•›,,¸¸Clan Leaders




Maybe Joe


¸,›Hall Of Fame

”•›,,¸¸Clan Members







Im Geo


x lady x

Aisu Naturix


King Dude415


Sair Isu
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:24:39 - Last edited on 19-Aug-2021 13:42:59 by Hefin

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