
The Imperial Legion

Quick find code: 290-291-238-66045583

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Imperial Legion
- Clan Rules Expanded

Follow Jagex's rules

- This includes both Forum and Ingame rules.

Respect everyone affiliated with the clan

- Respect includes treating individuals from different backgrounds, including religion, ethnicity or gender.
- If members want to have a specific talk about controversial issues, such as politics, religion etcetera, it is requested they use another chat or form of communication.
- Everyone affiliated with the clan includes people that members come into contact within Runescape, a member of the clan represents the clan and should not put the clan in a bad light.
- However, a clan members individuals views does not represent the clans views, nor do we necessarily endorse it. If a member of the community has issues with a clan member, they are free to bring this issue up with the clan leader.

No scamming or dishonourable behaviour

- Issues regarding dishonourable behaviour can result in a removal from the clan or loss of denarii, due to a member whether directly or indirectly is representing the clan.

Swearing is allowed in moderate, casual conversation, but excessive use will be punished

- Any swearing directed at other members in a which could be seen as a deliberate attempt to cause offence, could result in punishment.
- The Imperial Legion does not want to restrict or ban the use of all swearing, as long as it is in a casual context; but any language that threatens the community atmosphere must be dealt with.

Topics that can cause offence or arguments are not allowed in the clan chat

- Topics that can cause offence or arguments are as follows; Religion, Politics, Recreational Drugs, Inappropriate intimate discussions and discriminatory comments.
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:16:08 - Last edited on 12-Feb-2017 03:02:58 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Imperial Legion
- Admin FAQ's

Editing Ranks/ Disruptive behaviour

When is it acceptable to edit someone's rank or remove them from clan?

- If they pose a threat to the clan, aka. are going to kick other members of the clan or edit a lot of members ranks.
- If they are being highly offensive/ discriminatory. They may be removed from the clan in this instance, but this should only be done if you have another admin+ rank which agrees and should only be done in extreme circumstances.

If there is a conflict between two parties or two members of the clan, what should I do?

- You may attempt to diffuse the situation, but it may be best to not get that involved, primarily you should try and divert any disruption away from the clan chat, and attempt to move the disruption to a friends chat or to pm.
- If the conflict is causing severe disruption within the clan chat, then on extreme cases you may remove them from the clan, however this should be avoided and should only be a last resort. You should also attempt to gain support from another admin+ rank on the removal. If an admin rank is part of the disruption, then it is best to not remove anyone, as this may cause them to kick others.
- Primarily your job should be to try to keep the disruption out of the clan chat and take note of any specifics for Staff or leadership to deal with whenever they are able.

What could happen if I falsely remove or change a members rank?

- You could lose your admin rank and be prevented from accessing it in the future.
- Alternatively you could also lose your place in the clan, depending on the circumstances.
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:16:14 - Last edited on 12-Feb-2017 03:06:00 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Imperial Legion
- Admin FAQ's

Avatar/ Citadel

When and where can I summon the Clan Avatars?

- You may summon the clan Avatars whenever you wish, however we request that world 64 takes priority for the skilling boost and that you do not use the Avatar for personal use.
- Admins should also not log with the Avatar following them, if this is done consistently or they use the Avatar for this sole use consistently, then they may lose access to summoning the Clan Avatars.
- To check any Jagex implemented restrictions, please check the Runescape Wiki.

The Clan Avatars have their own cap at the citadel, can I tell them to collect resources?

- During and after the Citadel event, feel free to get the Avatars to collect resources. Please use your best judgement for which resources the clan needs, not what you need.

When can I recall an avatar?

- If you are a staff rank, and someone logs out with a clan avatar and doesn't return within 20 minutes, you may recall it if the avatar is needed. Other than that you should not recall an avatar.


If an event's host does not appear for the event, may I take over?

- Yes you may, however please give the host some time to appear; they may have been delayed. 10 minutes wait should suffice. However if the event can only happen at a certain time, feel free to host immediately.

If there is a disruptive member at an event, is there anything I can do?

- Primarily, there is nothing immediate you can do, unless they are being truly disruptive in-game and in clan chat. (see above:
Editing Ranks/ Disruptive Behaviour
) For minor issues, forward your
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:16:22 - Last edited on 15-Jan-2018 10:15:22 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Imperial Legion
- Denarii

Denarii is the clan's ranking system, the more denarii a member has, the higher their rank.

Colour Key
Denarii gained
| |
Denarii removed
| |
Weekly caps


The host gets both attendance and host denarii.

Large Event
Attendance |
Hosting |

Medium Event
Attendance |
Hosting |

Small Event
Attendance |
Hosting |

Mini Event
Attendance |
Hosting |

Wearing Clan Shield at an event |
Wearing Clan Cloak at an event |
Wearing/Planting Clan Vexillum at an event |
Hosting an event with a non-clan member |

Support Activities

1 hour Avatar Summon |
Bumping Thread |
| |
Citadel Cap |
| |
Gaining 1 xp a week |
Item Target |
| for an item drop |
Mini-game Target |
| for attending a targeted mini-game |
Skilling Target |
| for 200k xp [
] for 500k xp |
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:16:30 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2017 09:12:41 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

1 hour vex plant |
Forum Invite |
| |
Discord Guest Invite |
| |
Physical Invite |
Discord Member Invite |

Denarii loss

To promote activity at high ranks denarii is lost.

Organiser |
Coordinator |
Overseer |
Deputy |

Additional Information

- Denarii is capped at 60 denarii per week.
- New members start with 5 denarii and gain |
| free every week until they reach lieutenant rank.
- Requires a post to claim denarii: Hosting events, summoning avatars, citadel cap denarii, obtaining item target denarii and denarii for recruitment activities.
- Bumps only gain denarii if they do not follow each other.
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:17:33 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2018 12:34:40 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Imperial Legion
- Clan Network

Clan Allies

Veterans of Valhalla

Member Ranks

The following posts show the clans members, their denarii and extra information.
Denotes a member that has an Additional account, which can be used to gain denarii, but at a reduced rate.
Denotes a member has their denarii frozen, so they do not lose/ gain any denarii. Any member admin and above, not including staff, may request a point freeze on the clan central thread.

- Staff Ranks (Overseer and above ranks) start off with 1000 denarii. This will be reset approximately every month.
- New members start at 5 denarii (Corporal Rank)

Owner Ranks:

Hefin - 1000
Sairapac - 1072
Tkf530 - 1013
x lady x - 1037


7B - 1031
Aisu Naturix (A) - 960
EvilFlow (A) - 1059
Just Wonka - 975
King dude415 - 965
phatrats - 1053
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:17:42 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2021 17:28:35 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Charoz - 981
HP Sucks - 981
Im Geo (A) - 917
Jason Ice (A) - 925
Loab - 981
Maybe Joe - 1128
mrleitexx - 984
Penelope654 - 1456
Tiber - 981

Organiser: [/900*

2016 Fost (A) - 774
Airful - 790
caroline - 751
Drakar Avon - 856
Its Shrk - 848
Krayden - 672
Lorden Kriss (A) - 632
Mr Joey - 664
Pat Seventen - 886
Sayeret - 688
Spacy - 699
XR1p Reaper - 703

Admins: [/600*

Ashlie - 590
AsianGourmet - 410
B I G R - 402
Bassline - 450
Dark Fight - 402
Dragonoid - 490
Gaiadryad - 590
Ganarf - 418
Gluepot - 457
HazzaBazza91 - 590
Demented Yak - 595
I alch I - 590
king ed 64 - 429
L ia m - 409
lessempty95 - 510
Liuskur - 402
Lord Hade - 510
Mr Matt_740 - 576
Mithlan - 402
Myrendron - 497
nadineenidan - 417
randomchancd - 434
Hopsrs3 - 590
slappy titts - 421
Vega Uzumaki - 402
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:18:14 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2021 17:29:42 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
General: [/400*

Coo - 330
Dare Devilx3 - 356
Darksyne - 235
Dat StarDawg - 390
Dr Popo phD - 397
Garvey - 270
Gay5Moroi (A) - 268
Glues - 377
iiMikeeey - 286
Kill_Arrow - 233
Last Bribe (A) - 207
Norwitch1995 - 381
Patrick XXII - 218
Poisonedsoul - 299
Sammey19 - 218
Veax - 290
x Vinn - 322

Captain: [/200]

4D3ll - 190
Achelias - 117
Aeirix - 145
ArcanineBro - 142
Bad Mouther - 147
bekauzeyeah - 143
Captain534 - 102
Carzaeyam (F) 169
Chewed Yew - 198
chris mx - 185
Estaban52 - 131
fgokythe2nd - 162
Forloryn - 154
Holyghost3 - 123
Hortons Who - 109
Jon Snow1st - 108
Kal Gerian - 133
King cbow72 - 157
Knores (F) 179
Krompbopulus - 104
L1ghtn1ng137 - 196
Maybe Muff - 120
Mordoress - 107
MrMiyagi212 (F) 149
Nerdrager - 107
RIPChill (A) - 132
RippnBowlz - 101
RiseOfTitans (F) 200
Rockonj4 (A) - 142
Shingman - 163
Smythy - 107
Soy Drink - 140
Superfacto - 184
Swigles - 166
Thaullum - 107
Woopdudoop (A) - 145
xyires - 107

Lieutenant: [/100*

0 Henry 0 - 98
19Dannyboy92 - 63
20V T - 60
69such_luck - 59
Aad - 60
Ababorasos - 60
Abe98 - 59
AceofSpates - 60
Akeem Joffer - 68
AlexanderVa - 57
AndrewThaGod - 58
apinkduck - 59
Artilles - 77
Baaskaid - 61
BaconTheory - 60
baithie - 51
BenJayMon - 64
Blood Rose 0 - 59
Bubble408 - 99
Burning Time - 98
Burzum1972 - 64
BZ1 - 68
C0RNH0LI0s - 97
CampbellClue (A) - 60
Capt Padawan - 58
CaptainDank - 74
Cerberus235 - 66
CHeidweiller - 60
Chrisb270 - 60
Chyakka - 84
CJKay - 96
Cortney4 - 57
D3VIL RUL3R - 74
Dannytje87 - 84
ddamancio - 59
DeadPeakFam - 98
Delt - 100
Dieufred - 61
Dorolak - 55
Doug Ellis - 60
Dralikar - 67
Dubs_lotto - 58
Ed Elric271 - 71
EFC - 100
Enjoi256 - 100
Eoii (F) 97
FeatsOfGlory - 60
Flokin - 60
Flopsy175 - 86
Gadriiell - 76
GameShadowX - 99
Ger0nimo - 60
GigityByte - 62
Gingys - 66
GoingForMax - 71
GotGum - 60
GraniteFool - 100
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:18:33 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2021 17:34:23 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lieutenant: [/100*

HappyGoDucky - 60
harux - 60
HC Ahrim xX - 98
Hello6456 - 63
Holybeast18 - 96
Hopurai - 67
HuntingSucks - 60
I Am Sphynxx - 71
Im Csb - 63
ItsMrMe - 97
Jeramino - 60
Jober68 - 64
JoshSpencinh - 91
Juggler - 60
Juryokunnnnn - 69
JustLonelyPi - 96
Karnsy - 83
Keladi (F) 77
Kholdwyn - 59
King Rune393 - 60
Kingblanca - 82
Klepto209 - 65
Laitha - 96
Loganmademe - 65
Lord Bryson - 96
Lordguthix06 - 98
M K 9 - 65
MaceOfClubs - 97
MarvelMan 91 - 85
MaxPvm3 - 96
MC Onyx - 66
Mev222 - 76
MewieChewie - 59
MrChampi - 60
MrM0d3rn - 71
Mussettman - 85
Nero Karna - 96
Noirukni - 100
NothinSacred - 97
Olleh - 75
oskrrt - 71
Otugrob - 60
Overstar - 72
Peanuter9 - 71
Pom Bear - 75
Poopdeck - 97
Praedyth - 99
Prognatus - 99
Quackulu5 - 60
Queen FoST - 98
Queen55443 - 58
RafOwens - 73
RamzaBeoulve (A) - 60
Rande marsh - 60
Rep HD - 56
Retro Trash - 64
Revize - 60
Rickidy Rekt - 99
Rockwell1488 - 63
rontaru - 91
Rubber Fish - 99
Rushcloud - 75
sabu - 83
SamTheManCan - 79
Seannic - 59
Sen Jan - 55
ShadoBeagle - 57
Shanks61 - 58
sherrie_1973 - 92
shortassonic - 97
sirRawr - 69
Slakkarn - 61
sleepeyhead - 98
Slim Ninja - 98
Slippywiggle - 60
Snozzletrump - 65
Sonic Zonk13 - 62
SourMischief - 60
Streotyping - 54
Subtly - 74
Swepps - 96
Swyrex - 64
Talon Gnome - 100
Tedeif - 96
Teraerion - 99
The Fergie - 98
The Pieg - 54
Thegodcy - 60
TheSock - 98
Thiona - 96
Tjpsneaky - 69
Tonys better - 73
Tran91dude - 99
TruthBeTold - 70
Trx-33 - 98
Tryagain1984 - 55
Tumnie - 98
Valaristario - 99
Vargan - 82
Varramar - 68
Voldemiims - 64
Vynastaul - 89
Watch 4 Pk - 100
wayneo1011 - 79
Whims - 91
Will h8 - 96
x Duckyy - 60
xCanada Dry - 60
xGiberish - 97
XxDamionxX - 55
xXRakeemXx - 96
Yankey - 69
Yoyoplz - 99
zengan - 96
Zirq - 72
Ztrippin - 100
Mr Kittycat - 75
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:19:02 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2021 17:35:38 by Hefin

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,748 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sergeant: [/50*

1BakedPotat0 - 25
AimlessEggs - 25
Apex J - 25
Arpie - 25
Azzam ch - 45
B0neSnapper - 50
Ba se - 50
BarbosaYet1 - 25
bladecutx1 - 25
Burknee - 25
c9 Reaper77 (A) - 25
Collin7 - 25
Cosxa - 25
CrowFlow248 - 25
Daereyn - 25
EliZeno - 25
enz kheir - 45
fesaopilger - 50
Freeee Loot - 25
Grizzwalll - 25
Gucci Mane - 25
Here4Da Purp - 25
Huskey Pup - 25
itsonlyshado - 25
JoeJoeMen - 25
KrauseSauce - 25
Kronickidd - 25
Lo11234 - 25
MarmaladeSky - 25
Maybe Cam - 50
maybe lost - 25
Mr Ketchup - 25
mrs santa1 - 25
NegatyV - 25
Oh chappy - 25
Pat 5155 - 25
Ayrenbifadi - 25
Pipwolf - 38
Rockys - 25
Ryfex (F) 25
Sandboa18 - 28
SevenNoob10 - 25
sHiNiGaMiii - 30
Smeggiiee - 25
SteelCoffin9 - 25
Sxcope - 25
Tarthral (A) - 50
Tenecies - 25
trebro119 - 25
TwilightsEnd - 25
U Froob3 - 25
v3ll3ry - 25
X Reddwolf - 25
zamorakianoo - 30
zulrah 69 - 25

Corpral: [/20*

Razvayne - 15
Capt Kish42O - 15
Sleepybud - 15
Rexnus - 15
Wobbufez - 15
Jasperjay7 - 15
Hellbutter69 - 15
xBlackChan - 15
BronzeClob - 15
MinkFishelk - 15
Sid_Kemel - 15
drpn - 15
The Imperial Legion

12-Feb-2017 02:19:28 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2021 17:36:15 by Hefin

Quick find code: 290-291-238-66045583 Back to Top