Username: Matts I
Preferred Nickname: Matt
Runecrafting level: 73 will have 75 by the time this is through probably
Runecrafting XP:1m
Will you be kind and supportive: ?? yeah
What do you want from this chat? because i like Runecrafting
Do you want to join the Mutinous Rcers Clan?yes
What 'special phrase' is on Post 5?I wanna rc!!
@@@@ Citadel Thursdays
@@@@ August 30th 2012
@@@@ Attendants: 13
0bvious ly
Alexander Rc
G r 0 e m
Im Halo
Josh * Legit *X
Ninja Jakex
Rockin Habbo
~ Super Secret Post
Thank you again everyone who came and collected resources this week, was a lot of fun and entertaining. Glad Elak didn't get eaten by Sparkles
Mutinous Rcers
Hello everyone!
I am proud to announce that our clan ranking system has been updated.
All Captain ranks and below are the same.
General rank is now 50M RC XP (was 40M)
Admin rank is now 75M RC XP (was 60M)
Organizer rank is now dedicated to Avatar Warden job titles.
Coordinator rank is the same (100M RC XP)
Overseer rank is the same (150M RC XP)
In other news...Avatar Warden Applications are now available!
We have dedicated the Organizer rank as the official rank for the Avatar Wardens. If you would like to apply to be a Avatar Warden, please read over the rules very, very carefully. Once you have read over the rules, please fill out a Avatar Warden Application and post it on this thread.
Mutinous Rcers
Username: 0bvious ly
Are you a member of MRC: yes
Have you read the Avatar Warden Rules: yes
Are you willing to follow the Avatar Warden Rules: yes
Why are you wanting to be a Avatar Warden: I just love Hans
and i am online at hours there is usually no1 online who summons him.
What is the name of our Clan Avatar: Hans! <3