Name: RSvik4a (irl - Victor)
Preferred Nickname: Vik , vik4
Runecrafting level: 99
Runecrafting XP: 13,040,978
Will you be kind and supportive: Sure will
What do you want from this chat? Clan events, friendly people, support
Do you want to join the Mutinous Rcers Clan? Yes sir
What 'special phrase' is on Post 5? i wanna rc!!!
15-Jul-2012 18:58:09
- Last edited on
15-Jul-2012 19:48:04
Name: black wolfy (Christian in real life)
Preferred Nickname: idk... Chris, Boa... bob take your pick
most poeple call me boa though...
Runecrafting level: 75
Runecrafting EXP: 1,292,126 (I was siphoning at the time I recorded this so it is inaccurate however it is roughly that maybe more
Will you be kind and supportive: ?? Aye
What do you want from this chat? Assistance fining my way around the span and someone to talk to while i get bored siphoning esswraithes, on my eternal journey to 99 runecrafting.
Do you want to join the Mutinous Rcers Clan? Yes.
What 'special phrase' is on Post 5? I wanna RC!!
Name: iWishYouWere
Preferred Nickname:Wish
Runecrafting level: 90
Runecrafting XP: 5,500,000+
Will you be kind and supportive: Of course! (:
What do you want from this chat? Some friends to craft runes with!
Do you want to join the Mutinous Rcers Clan? Yes.
What 'special phrase' is on Post 5? I wanna Runecraft!!!