1) Would you like to tell us how old you are?
27 years old
2) Would you like to tell us what country you live in?
Currently living in the U.S.
3) How did you find out about Incursione?
Sidebar via Reddit
4) Please describe any Combat equipment you own, in detail.
Currently own the following sets and mostly use them for slayer
-Bandos + Sara GS
-Armadyl + Zaraphye Bow
-Subjugation + Armadyl GS - Probably going to hold off on upgr for a bit I think.
5) How experienced are you with bosses, do you have any favourites?
Not very experienced but I do watch tutorials via youtube or twitch
6) Do you know how to check our Clan events, and use our Clan Citadel and Avatars?
There's a button for it in game (F5)
7) We love hearing why you're interested in Incursione, would you like to tell us?
You guys seem to have everything I am interest in the game for. PvM, social community, etc.
08-Jun-2017 01:37:32