Other F.A.Q's
What does "Incursione" mean?
Incursione means "Raid", in Latin. It is pronounced
. It's the clan's name because it sounded cool at the time - there's no deep meaning to it, sorry!
What type of Clan are you?
We are a high level community clan. We have many high level players who share an interest in high level content; both PvM and Skilling.
Do you have a Homeworld?
We are an international clan and it would be unfair to designate a specific world as our homeworld due to lag. Clanmates tend to stack whichever world the Avatars are on.
Is there any fighting over Content?
Never. We have been careful to nurture a relaxed environment wherein people know that the appropriate way to deal with their problems is to contact a Key rank or by discussing it respectfully in private.