RSN - Slick Nick
Preferred Name - Nick
Country/TimeZone - AZ, USA
Total Level - 2885
Total XP - 664 Mil
Combat Level - 138
Favorite Skill(s) - Arch, Mining, Smithing, Fishing
Alternate Accounts - N/A
Are you 18+ years old? Yus
Current Goal/s in RS - Reaper Crew, 120 Herb. 120 slayer
Favorite RS Achievement - Seven Colours In Their Hat- Show the wise old man your chromatic party hat.
Will you be capping at our citadel? Yes, +6% xp pls.
What are you looking for in a clan? Somewhere where I can get better at PVM and can tolerate me taking breaks from Scape due to working full time and going to school full time.
Did you read & agree to our rules? Yes
What type of clan events are you interested in? AOD, Raids, EDs, Rawring, Achievements, push for 200mil skills.
Please tell us why you would like to join ElderScrolls? Three of my friends are in the clan and have been trying to get me to join for a while. Clayton 69, Mikeyike 69, and DungIsntReal are the gang I always play with, we grew up together and are buds irl.
If I said Rawr, what would be your response? Rawr?!
If you would like to join our discord, please list your tag. SlickNick#8729
11-Jul-2022 05:32:55