RSN -Badbob97
Preferred Name - badbob97
Country/TimeZone -us cst
Total Level -2871
Total XP -1,172,723,647
Combat Level -138
Favorite Skill(s) - all
Alternate Accounts -
Are you 18+ years old? yes
Current Goal/s in RS - 12- Arch
Favorite RS Achievement -Max Guild
Will you be capping at our citadel?yes
What are you looking for in a clan? friendly ppl that can help
Did you read & agree to our rules? Yes
What type of clan events are you interested in? Most all
Please tell us why you would like to join ElderScrolls? want a good clan with no drama
If I said Rawr, what would be your response? Not a clue but im sure ill find out
If you would like to join our discord, please list your tag. badbob97#8505
24-Jun-2020 20:25:01