Runescape name (RSN): SagoonHD
Previous RSN's:none on this account
Total level:2293
Total xp:113,403,000
Country and time zone:USA(PST)
Names of your other accounts (if you have them):made a ton of accounts back 2005ish called sagoon, sagoon2,sagoon3... Cadentspy I made more recently, dont play on it, same for Spy iLuSioN
Goals in Runescape:was 80+ all skills, now its probobly 90+ all skills as im about to hit 80+, I also want to get a 99, as Ive been playing for years and havent gotten one.
What are you favorite things to do on RS?I like questing, I do all the quests once they come out, sadly cant beat the newest one as I cant beat the bosses just yet. I also like doing dailies and doing afk skills.
What are you looking for in a clan? TBH ive been going from clan to clan recently staying in each one for like 2-3 weeks, IDK what im looking for in a clan, I just know I havent found it, hopefully this can be the one.
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers? Thats a tough question, im getting 30m xp a month atm, so if you are looking for xp gains they arent really great, I like questing, so any time a new quest comes out I can usually help people with them as I like to talk with people as I do em.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who? Scrolling through forums, saw 2200+, was about to hit 2300 so thought it would be a good fit.
17-Jan-2017 04:16:50