Runescape name (RSN): Aetheriums
Total level: 2608 (2638 virtual)
Total xp: 395,061,151 XP
Country and time zone: Norway, not sure on time zone..
Goals in Runescape: Getting Max Cape atm, then comp.
What are you favorite things to do on RS?
Slayer, Skilling and farming items i need for potions/food myself. So alot of farming. Dungenoeering is also a skill i want to get 120 in since it involves all the aspects of runescape in one mini game/skill. Also making stuff for invention i something i enjoy.
What are you looking for in a clan?
Just started playing again after half year break, also don't have any friends in-game always played by myself, but want to expand on my network now since im getting higher level.
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers?
Im not one that talks to much, so its more the clan that helps and contribute for me. But im always helpful if anyone need help or i actually know an answer to a RS question.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who?
Looking forward too hearing back from you!
Hi Aetheriums
Application accepted
Feel free to message me or any of the other admins in-game, or join our clan chat as a guest to ask for an invite.
Welcome to Modest Skillers!
(Admins: Mada, meepmeep, Zictox, Plank, Darbuild, N I E L S, UrekMazino, Soul Despair, FrankDaShank, Lewish, Prafost, JayOhEsh, Serg, S A G E, Emba, Nicholas929)