Runescape name (RSN): W Skar
Previous RSN's: Only this since ever
Total level: 2634
Total xp: +400m
Country and time zone: Argentina (UTC -3)
Names of your other accounts (if you have them): N/A
Goals in Runescape: 99 all skills for now
What are you favorite things to do on RS?: Skilling and now getting into PvM
What are you looking for in a clan?: A nice and helpful community
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers?: Giving tips, help, etc.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who?: Forums
Runescape name (RSN): W Skar
Previous RSN's: Only this since ever
Total level: 2634
Total xp: +400m
Country and time zone: Argentina (UTC -3)
Names of your other accounts (if you have them): N/A
Goals in Runescape: 99 all skills for now
What are you favorite things to do on RS?: Skilling and now getting into PvM
What are you looking for in a clan?: A nice and helpful community
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers?: Giving tips, help, etc.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who?: Forums
App accepted, pm admin+ or guest in cc for invite.