Runescape name (RSN): PvM Ryannnn
Previous RSN's: N/A
Total level: 2520
Total xp: 299,612,000
Country and time zone: UK GMT+0
Names of your other accounts (if you have them):
Goals in Runescape: To max and eventually Comp
What are you favorite things to do on RS? - PvM
What are you looking for in a clan? - I am always looking for ways to improve and i think joining a skilling clan like Modest Skillers would provide me with the help I need
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers? I always try my best to help people whenever i can whether it be with advice or if they need help with a task they might have
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who? Forums
24-Oct-2017 22:18:47