RSN - Greeni
Preferred Name - Green, Greeni
Country/TimeZone - GMT+1
Total Level -2733
Total XP -1.576.206.662
Combat Level -138
Favorite Skill(s) - skilling is fer nubs
Are you 18+ years old? yes
Current Goal in RS - IFB, Comp, avoiding ppl that say i'm a nub
Did you read & agree to our rules? yes
Will you be capping at our citadel? when i can yes
Favorite RS Achievement - Destroying starscape
Alternate Accounts - many merch alts
What are you looking for in a clan? friends, pvm, and people that respect eachother, no backstabbers
What type of clan events are you interested in?pvm, skilling, really everything
Why would you like to join ElderScrolls? because I heard it's a better place now
An All-around player, twitch @greeninoob
join darkfear today!
we be best clam
01-Oct-2017 00:29:03
- Last edited on
21-Oct-2017 01:13:36