RSN - TeraVirus
Preferred Name - Will
Country/TimeZone - England/GMT
Total Level - 2227 (2242 virtual)
Total XP - 181m
Combat Level - 134
Favorite Skill(s) - Combat, Slayer
Are you 18+ years old? Yes, 27
Current Goal in RS - To have fun
Did you read & agree to our rules? Yes
Will you be capping at our citadel? Yes
Favorite RS Achievement - Rank 75 in fletching in 2006
Alternate Accounts - None
What are you looking for in a clan? To socialise to help get me back into the game
What type of clan events are you interested in? Interested in any, as log as there is a good turnout to meet people.
Why would you like to join ElderScrolls? To meet more people through chat and events and share the game with.
28-Jun-2017 20:08:12