Hi, I would like to join Dark Dreams. I have recently gotten back into Runescape (just two days ago). I am planning on playing this game daily for at least 3 months since I bought three months of membership, hopefully I can play more. Recently I got myself a job in USPS so that's nice but I can only play runescape about 2-4 hours a day due to work.
On my days off I usually just do otaku stuff like reading manga, watching anime and all those sorts.
My goal in Runescape is to have fun since it was one of my childhood games that I played. I have never experience being in a big clan before but I heard being in a big clan means more free exp for those moneysink skills. Currently trying to establish on doing dailies so I have good income coming in (Currently doing herb runs and the one where you get those waxes)
Seeing that this clan is near max size, it seems I will have a lot of people to chat with and not get bored. Also some experience players to take care of me since i haven't played this game in half a decade.
I hope I see you guys soon.
02-Dec-2016 22:21:15