The Spiritual mage is a potent magic user that can easily kill low-level players. Protect from Magic or Deflect Magic is highly recommended for players with lower Defence, while Soul Split works best for higher-leveled players. Like all monsters in the God Wars Dungeon, they are aggressive to any players that do not wear items showing affinity to their god or a Nex item. Spiritual magi in the God Wars Dungeon require 83 Slayer to kill, whereas the Saradominist version found in The World Wakes does not have a Slayer requirement.
Spiritual mages are great droppers of various elemental staves and talismans, and are currently the only monster to drop dragon boots & gauntlets.
Carrying or wearing an ectoplasmator will give 15 Prayer experience per kill. Alternatively, an attuned ectoplasmator will give 72 Prayer experience per kill.
Armadylean spiritual mage will also count towards completing an Aviansie slayer assignment.
While not classed as undead, they are affected by the buffs of the salve amulet and salve amulet (e).
13-Nov-2016 22:31:12