Bump, quite an entertaining storyline progression! My spirit, DanN180 is still strong, but I was bestowed upon myself the title of BeanFlicker by a shaman practising one of their rituals, deep in the ends of the wilderness to the north. I awoke in a daze in Lumbridge afterwards, bestowed with a new name. I will now be known as... BeanFlickerz. A name earned though The Legendary Trials of the Bean, a rigorous set of pilgrimages spanning throughout many lands, knowledge of which is now mostly lost throughout our realm. Though the Legendary Order of the Bean warlocks and shamans are spread thin throughout our lands these days, a fraction of their lost knowledge has been handed down to a few unknown crusaders. Perhaps they will make another appearance when the time comes that the gods meet in battle once again, when the fate of RuneScape and our lands hangs in the balance, only to be faltered either by us, the gods, or The Order of the Bean.
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