Username: Tree Punk1
Preferred to be called: Tree
Combat Level: 75
Total Level: 848
Previous Clan:none
Current Goal in RS: skill and learn how to be more efficient
Will you cap at our Citadel?: im not even sure what Citadel is
Have you read the rules and understand them?: yes
Who recruited you or introduced you to the clan?: blingothing
Was it through our SK Forum, vex or your own thread?: i looked up what kind of clans are out there and i saw the name blingothing
Tell us a bit about yourself: I've been playing since 2005ish, been through a few accounts, lost them due to Rs3. I enjoy Old School much more. I do not have the best patience to level and have not been very seasoned in Runescape.
22-Feb-2018 22:16:11