Game Based:
1) What is your Runescape Name? :
2) How long have you been playing RS? :
3) Do you have any set goals in the game? :
Nope, I just play to relax
4) Are you primarily Skill or Combat oriented?:
Skill but I also do combat if the mood takes me
5) What is your Total levels? :
6) What is your highest skill and it's level? :
Dungeoneering - 120
7) Are you a MATURE player:
8) Under what time zone do you live in? :
9) What are the most frequent times you are in game? :
Varies - Mornings GMT or Evenings GMT
Club Based
10) Are you willing to contribute to the efforts of others? :
11) Are you willing to contribute your own tips and hints? :
12) What other clans have you been a member of? :
TCA - 5 years
13) Why are you no longer a member of the clan(s)?:
Decided it was time for a change
14) Are you currently a member of any clan, and which one? :
15) Do you understand that you must be logged into clan chat most of the time you are online? :
16) Do you understand that you will be required to get at least 10k xp in the monthly skill competitions?
Yes, where do I find info about this as I don't see it here on this thread?
17) Will you visit and skill some at the clan's citadel each week?
If I have time
18) Do you understand that we are a profanity-free clan?
19) What is your favorite thing to do in RS?:
I try to mix it up, I love farming and collecting rocks
20) Anything else you would like for us to know about yourself? :
Not at the mo
Join us at
Nova Statum
Fun, Friendly, Social and Community Clan