1) What is your Runescape Name? : 1 very tell
2) How long have you been playing RS? : since 2005
3) Do you have any set goals in the game? : max out and have fun and PVM like a pro.
4) Are you primarily Skill or Combat oriented?: both.
5) What is your Total levels? : 2065
6) What is your highest skill and it's level? : stre, att, hp, dung, 99 all.
7) Are you a MATURE player: yes, i like to believe i'm funny sometimes too. thought no one laughs at my jokes. except me.. but that's all that matters right? ha. yeah. daddy issues, what can i say.
8) Under what time zone do you live in? : UST Eastern.
9) What are the most frequent times you are in game? : weekdays: 4-10 weekends:all day.
Club Based
10) Are you willing to contribute to the efforts of others? : of course, i love being social in RS.
11) Are you willing to contribute your own tips and hints? : not to sound cocky, but i'm one of the few people i've met that actually still tries to lend a hand out to new players and old players. from tips and tricks, to loaning stuff and assistance. all i want to do is to try to expand the RS community like how it used to be.
12) What other clans have you been a member of? : Cosmic Entities
13) Why are you no longer a member of the clan(s)?: they kicked me because the leader was kind of stupid. i spoke up one day and he didn't like it, and he kicked me. and Palmer.
14) Are you currently a member of any clan, and which one? : no.
15) Do you understand that you must be logged into clan chat most of the time you are online? : i'll never leave.
16) Do you understand that you will be required to get at least 10k xp in the monthly skill competitions? all about exp gainz.
17) Will you visit and skill some at the clan's citadel each week? as long as i'm reminded.
18) Do you understand that we are a profanity-free clan? i'll try my best but it might spill.
19) What is your favorite thing to do in RS?: PVM.
20) Anything else you would like for us to know about yourself?:nospace
17-Feb-2015 03:09:59