What is your combat Level? 138
What Is your total level? 2304 or 2309 virtual
How long have you played Runescape Approx.? since about 2004-2005
Time Zone: (GMT format, example: -7:00 MST): EST
How did you find us? / or were invited, by whom? Browsing the forums
Will you be active on the forums, such as bumping our thread? Tbh, if I remember, sure.
Bumping helps the clan's community grow and let others know about us, will you help us bump the forums? (No right or wrong answer): If I remember to.
Have you read the clan rules and will you comply with them? Yes.
Please name a clan rule? No spamming in the clan
Are you over 18? Yup, 23.
What would you like from a clan? People that I can talk to and ask questions about things like PvM, etc. as well as people that I might be able to raid with seeing as I have never been able to do so in the past.
What do you most enjoy about Runescape 3? Skilling/bossing
We love to accept all account types, are you a regular, Iron, or a hard-core account? Regular
We have a clan Citadel, would you be interested in helping? Sure, once I figure it out.
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? Just a regular college guy that plays RS in their spare time.
Anything else you would like to tell us about? I am working on two bachelors degrees, one in cyber security and one in unmanned aircraft systems (the media refers to them as drones) so I'd love to have chats about stuff like that if anyone wants too.
Lastly, do you agree to:
•ALL the clan RULES & Runescape rules? Yes, they are there for a reason.
• To be respectful towards yourself and others? Yes, no need for toxicity in a video game.
• Have a drama free attitude? Of course, drama sucks.
• Being 18 years old? I certainly hope so.
• Do you understand the clan is based on experience up to the rank general? Yes.
27-May-2017 09:22:05