What is your combat Level? 112
What Is your total level? 1771
How long have you played Runescape Approx.? Late 2006
Time Zone: (GMT format, example: -7:00 MST): GMT +00 (Great britain)
How did you find us? / or were invited, by whom? Oscarr!
Will you be active on the forums, such as bumping our thread? indeed
Bumping helps the clan's community grow and let others know about us, will you help us bump the forums? (No right or wrong answer): ill help out always!
Have you read the clan rules and will you comply with them? yes!
Please name a clan rule? Treat others how you like to be treated (approve of this irl too! )
Are you over 18? Yes 21!
What would you like from a clan? id like to make friends, talk to others while playing, and joining in on group events, talking on discord etc!
What do you most enjoy about Runescape 3? theres many, after slaving at 07, RS3 graphics are amazing!!!, i like the faster paced gameplay, and well.. what isnt there to like tbh!!
We love to accept all account types, are you a regular, Iron, or a hard-core account? Regular
We have a clan Citadel, would you be interested in helping? i am!
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? 21, Essex UK, .. just started streaming!, Music Producer, self proclaimed family funny man
Anything else you would like to tell us about anything? Erm.... idk hehe
Lastly, do you agree to:
•ALL the clan RULES & Runescape rules?
• To be respectful towards yourself and others? yes
• Have a drama free attitude? always!
• Being 18 years old? i understand this rule!
• Do you understand the clan is based on experience up to the rank general? yes
22-May-2017 14:03:04