What is your combat Level? 34
What Is your total level? 466
How long have you played Runescape Approx.? This is a new account, but I have played a total of around 3-4 years on and off.
Time Zone: (GMT format, example: -7:00 MST): GMT+8
How did you find us? / or were invited, by whom? Via the forums
Will you be active on the forums, such as bumping our thread? I can do, if required
Bumping helps the clan's community grow and let others know about us, will you help us bump the forums? (No right or wrong answer): If it's needed.
Have you read the clan rules and will you comply with them? Yes
Please name a clan rule? Rule 1: Follow all Jagex rules
Are you over 18? Yes
What would you like from a clan? Community camaraderie, clan events, skilling events, talkative chat.
What do you most enjoy about Runescape 3? I do like the new combat system.
We love to accept all account types, are you a regular, Iron, or a hard-core account? Regular P2P
We have a clan Citadel, would you be interested in helping? Yes
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? 27/M/Western Australia. Generally a fun guy, with a sardonic sense of dark humour.
Anything else you would like to tell us about anything? Not at this time.
Lastly, do you agree to:
•ALL the clan RULES & Runescape rules? Yes
• To be respectful towards yourself and others? Yes
• Have a drama free attitude? Yes
• Being 18 years old? Hard not to be
• Do you understand the clan is based on experience up to the rank general? Yes.
09-Mar-2017 09:23:18