What is your combat Level? 13
What Is your total level? 1163 atm
How long have you played Runescape Approx.? long
Time Zone: (GMT format, example: -7:00 MST): +1
How did you find us? / or were invited, by whom? forum
Will you be active on the forums, such as bumping our thread? i can
Bumping helps the clan's community grow and let others know about us, will you help us bump the forums? (No right or wrong answer): yes
Have you read the clan rules and will you comply with them? sure
Please name a clan rule? dont ask for a rank
Are you over 18? yes
What would you like from a clan? socializing
What do you most enjoy about Runescape 3? graphics
We love to accept all account types, are you a regular, Iron, or a hard-core account? regular
We have a clan Citadel, would you be interested in helping? sure
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? im fun
Anything else you would like to tell us about anything? nope
07-Mar-2017 19:38:28