
The Wolf Pack (V16)

Quick find code: 288-289-574-65414180

Aug Member 2009


Posts: 651 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
‹•*°•›„¸„.›•º°¨°º•‹.„¸„.›•º°`¨´°\±‡±/•º°`¨´°º•‹.„¸„.›•º°`¨´°º•-‹.„¸¸„.›•º°` .
¸‹•*°;¨*•¸ . .ˆ›¸ . ¸* .º•›¸ The Wolf Pack ¸‹•º. *¸ . ¸‹ˆ. . ¸•*¨;°*•›¸ . . . ..
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°›„¸¸¸„‹•*°*•›„¸ ¸•*°°*•›„¸¸¸ Skill Clan ¸¸¸„‹•*°°*•¸ . ,•°°•.. . ¸•*°*•¸ . . .
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. °›„¸¸„‹° ... As a pack we conquered the mighty Tier 7 Citadel .. . °›„¸¸„‹°. . .
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Welcome Tatya Edaine,

Thank you for applying to the Wolf Pack. We are happy to announce that you have been accepted. Please add the following to your friends list: Frans, Tims, Calithiel, Yamesa and Mangy Wolf. Runescape now requires that one of our clan Admins personally meet you and invite you to the clan. To do this you must enter the clan chat channel as a guest and inform the clan of your application and interest in joining the wolf pack, To talk in the clan chat channel you will need to type /// before writing a message in the clan chat as a guest. Your Mentor or another clan admin will invite you into the clan, Please arrange that as soon as you can, then go to Falador and pick up your clan cape and sparkly Vex.

Although you have been accepted into the pack, you will start off as a cub and will need 5 points within the first 3 weeks to become a full member. We hope you enjoy your time in our pack.

Your clan Mentor Is Yamesa. Please add them to your friends list also, and catch up with them in clan chat as soon as you can. Always feel free to ask anyone in clan chat for help on clan info and activities. You are welcome to the chat until your invite.

Clan Chat is the wolf pack

Tims & Frans

19-Dec-2014 13:55:38

Aug Member 2009


Posts: 651 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi all

3 years 8 months and 6 days ago Sweet Fang dragged a total newbie to a clan where she didn't know anyone. She didn't even now how to post on a forum and was so scared about doing it wrong, he did it for her.

My how times have changed.....

I am no longer a newb, made lots of wonderful friends, and have grown as a player.

But I am not the only one going through changes, so is the Wolf Pack.
The change isn't good or bad, but the changes are not what I signed up for long ago.
I respect Tim's and Fran's choices to change dramatically the structure an core of how the clan works, But I cannot agree with it.

I am leaving with love from the clan , respect and best wishes for Tim and Fran, and with joy and friendship for everyone in my heart.

I hope to be allowed to visit and still invite people to events.
If not I understand, my fc is open.

I will miss you all.

20-Dec-2014 18:43:20

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