3 years 8 months and 6 days ago Sweet Fang dragged a total newbie to a clan where she didn't know anyone. She didn't even now how to post on a forum and was so scared about doing it wrong, he did it for her.
My how times have changed.....
I am no longer a newb, made lots of wonderful friends, and have grown as a player.
But I am not the only one going through changes, so is the Wolf Pack.
The change isn't good or bad, but the changes are not what I signed up for long ago.
I respect Tim's and Fran's choices to change dramatically the structure an core of how the clan works, But I cannot agree with it.
I am leaving with love from the clan , respect and best wishes for Tim and Fran, and with joy and friendship for everyone in my heart.
I hope to be allowed to visit and still invite people to events.
If not I understand, my fc is open.