My current total level is 2,719.
I am maxed, so all stats are 99 or above.
The third clan rule is to not harass people or be an ass about avatar.
I've had good luck with clans but am looking for something more permanent, as my current clan is about to disband due to the leader and most staff quitting.
I have quite a lot of friends currently in Domination, and have heard and seen nothing but good things about the clan as a whole.
My expectations of Domination are to grow and progress my PvM skills, as well as find and make new friends, and genuinely get back into the grind of Runescape.
Haha, I wish I only played for 5 hours a week. Currently, I play anywhere from 5-10 hours per day/night.
I am located in the Central Standard Time Zone, in the United States.
My biggest, and really only, current goal is to achieve the Completionist Cape. I haven't really had motivation to play in the recent months, but I've been actively working towards obtaining the cape, and have re-gained my motivation for the game that I have loved for many years now.
29-Sep-2017 00:31:22